Bollywood whiz Aamir Khan as of late gone to the stupendous debut of the Marathi film ‘Ilu 1998’ in Mumbai, joined by his child in-regulation, Nupur Shikhare. The occasion denoted a unique event as it highlighted entertainer Elli AvrRam’s presentation in Marathi film.
Aamir Khan and Nupur Shikhare were seen showing up together at the debut, exhibiting serious areas of strength for them bond. The pair’s appearance earned huge consideration, featuring Aamir’s help for local film and his cozy relationship with his child in-regulation.
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In an endearing second caught at the occasion, Aamir Khan was seen helping his little girl Ira’s mother by marriage as she left her vehicle, mirroring his obliging nature.
The debut of ‘Ilu 1998’ was a ritzy undertaking, observing Elli AvrRam’s introduction to Marathi films. Aamir Khan’s presence, alongside Nupur Shikhare, added to the occasion’s glory, highlighting the entertainer’s appreciation for assorted true to life articulations.